15 July, 2024

Many have accused Australia of being spiritually immature and backwards. Although in some ways looking in from the outside this may seem true I beg to put forward a different narrative. I see a nation kept by the hand of God in what looks like being held back to …

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13 July, 2024

Discernment is knowing something to “be” from what is not “seen” with the natural eye. So many times prophets question their discernment because they are taught not to be suspicious, critical and judgemental. Discernment is none of those things, it’s “knowing” and “seeing” behind the veil of what is …

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28 June, 2024

To defy entrapment of a political and religious spirit not only does one need to be free of the need of man’s approval but the need to be “justified” in man’s eyes. Man will always cast judgement on that which they do not understand or fail to have the …

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26 June, 2024

Love rules in a life that has been “lost”. Love will bring forth fruits of bravery, selflessness, honour, loyalty, honesty, faithfulness, humility and kindness. This kind of love in action demonstrates a gospel of hope to the world and unveils the mystery of Christ that cannot be accessed by …

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21 June, 2024

NOT EVERYTHING NEW IS BREATHED BY GOD With the birthing of “new things” that are happening in this season, we need to be mindful that not everything “new” is God or being brought forth by the hand of God. NEW KING NEW GOVERNMENT – WRONG WAY 2 Samuel 5 …

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11 June, 2024

Blueprints are interesting. The idea of unity even more interesting. And the groan of heaven undeniable! Here’s a thought, just because some are not “feelin it” or “resonating” with what others are trying to build, pioneer, forerun, or establish, doesn’t mean they are not in unity. It doesn’t necessarily conclude they …

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13 May, 2024

When you are committed to “humbling yourself under his mighty hand” (1 Peter 5:6) seeking the things “the heathen seek” (Matthew 6:32) and gratifying the flesh becomes so futile, empty and unfulfilling. Even though the process and position “under his mighty hand” can be more challenging, and not for …

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9 May, 2024

Dream There was a general in the faith who had been used significantly by God in past seasons who was renting a space in an inn. He was not perfect by any means, however in his time he impacted the earth for the kingdom of God. His time was …

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16 March, 2024

On the last leg of our ministry assignment in America this past January 2024, I had a dream I believe is an exhortation to the nation of the United States of America. Please know that I submit this dream with its interpretation without an attitude of judgement. I believe …

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9 March, 2024

Sitting on my verandah this arvo and Holy Spirit spoke to me as I was looking at a social media feed. I saw a post from a person I have met once but do not know. I know “of” them but do not “know” them. In the post it …

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26 February, 2024

Sometimes what is NOT your lane can irritate you. For instance not many understand the warrior lane, and it can irritate people. So people try and build doctrines and teachings to “hush” what irritates them.Maybe it could be a case of the hand saying to the foot I have …

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25 February, 2024

Dream 1A young prodigal returned home to his “father’s house” wanting to “make right”. I answered the door but felt something was awkward and “off”. Instead of a repentant heart I felt a heart of blame. It was extremely subtle but felt prideful. He was not repentant at all …

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23 February, 2024

The Lord is a God of balance. I’ve noticed a danger recently in the body of Christ when it comes to certain adjustments the body is trying to make away from error. It’s called overcorrecting. Overcorrecting in essence is throwing the baby out with the bath water. I believe …

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23 February, 2024

Recently I had a dream in line with Luke 12:42-46.In the dream there were those in a house whose father was away, and they were loosing heart and backsliding and becoming carnal.It was as if unrighteous behaviour was escalating just before his return even though they didn’t know he …

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19 February, 2024

If you are a presence person you filter, weigh and discern information differently than those who aren’t presence centred.Being presence centred causes you to have the word of God as your text not psychological intellectualism.I just read an article by a well known and respected leader in the body …

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7 February, 2024

Prophets when you are wrestling just shhhhhhhhh….. many “prophetic” people want to “speak” through their wrestle and “thus saith the Lord through it”. This is when we get words delivered in frustration, ERROR, judgement, bitterness, disappointment, accusation, self righteousness and will most likely be doctrinally incorrect. We need to …

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23 January, 2024

I’ve had Isaiah 27:1 land on my radar of late. I feel this year we will see the Lord release His WORD (His unrelenting sharp sword) and punish Leviathan, the LIAR that twists. Through the sword of His TRUTH He will expose LEAVEN in the House of God, which …

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20 January, 2024

REVIVAL is awakening to Gods ways. It literally means bringing something that is DEAD, ASLEEP, on the verge of death, needing resurrection and causing one to come to their senses, just to name a few. I think you get the picture. It’s repentance for where we have abandoned and …

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12 January, 2024

Amos 9:11 – ”In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David, the fallen hut or booth, and close up its breaches; and I will raise up its ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old,“WHAT IS THE TABERNACLE OF DAVID?Many have thought …

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31 December, 2023

I want to share three dreams I’ve had, one very recently and two others earlier this year. All three I believe are prophesying the shift of the tide turning in this hour over his beloved and in the nations. THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGALS In the first dream I was given …

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23 November, 2023

Sitting with the Lord this morning he begins to talk to me about the maturing of sons. I encourage you to take the time and read to the end. It may just help you. There are different measures the Lord uses to bring his children into sonship. Yes there …

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11 October, 2023

Since 2020 Jeremiah 6:16 has been the echo of heaven in my ears. He is calling His people back to the ancient paths to find “shalom” – wholeness. The Lord is making every crooked place straight as he prepares his devoted for kingdom rule. This preparation involves calling His …

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21 September, 2023

Sometimes we may feel excused to be self-centred for a bit. Especially when we are going through really tough, trying times. I’ve found though in God that it is in my most weakest times, where I’m under warfare, exhausted, unwell, grieving, despaired and broken, in my greatest space of …

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15 September, 2023

In recent days, in the early hours of the morning, in that half asleep- half awake moment as I transitioned from being fully asleep but not yet fully awake, I heard a line spoken so loud in my spirit. “Can a nation be born in a day?” The weight …

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22 August, 2023

Be aware of a “new thing” trying to be packaged in an old wineskin. There is a lot of new language out there void of manifested Christlike character. Humility and Honour is and has always been the way of the kingdom. DISHONOUR WILL NEVER ESTABLISH THE KINGDOM OF GOD. …

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26 July, 2023

Jehovah Jireh and El Roi. Not everyone will be happy when your “ship comes in”. In Genesis 26 we see Isaac sowed in faith in an unfavourable season of famine and reaped 100 fold harvest. But it didn’t stop there, the blessing of God upon Isaac began to just …

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24 July, 2023

I’ve been back in Isaiah 61 of late. Today I’ve been declaring verse 2 “To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord [the year of His favor] and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn”. There is a divine exchange happening in the spirit …

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10 May, 2023

Dream 13th April 2023I was at this place that was decked with monkey bars and playground equipment. I looked out and I saw the heavens black and a tornado coming on the horizon.As my attention returned to the playground equipment a sense of overwhelming frustration and resistance began to …

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9 May, 2023

Matthew 6:1“Take care not to do your good deeds publicly or before men, in order to be “seen” by them; otherwise, you will have no reward with and from your Father Who is in heaven.”We have two choices, to seek the praises of men as our reward or to …

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2 May, 2023

Prophets carry blueprints. The blueprints are the “ways of God” found in His Word. The prophetic voice calls God’s people back to the ancient paths – His blueprint (JEREMIAH 6:16), the blueprints of His presence, loving Him first, walking by faith and being led by the Spirit of God, …

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6 April, 2023

In the last months I’ve had multiple dreams where Jesus is being represented as the bridegroom.Last night I went to sleep meditating on passover and just thanking God with my whole heart. I went into a dream and I saw Him again as the bridegroom and then out of …

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21 March, 2023

Your seat of governance is only on the other side of the wilderness. Know your season and know what is being formed IN you will be imparted THROUGH you. And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But …

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19 March, 2023

Last night I was awoken in the middle of the night with a demonic encounter. My mind was under assault, all sorts of crazy narratives were being thrown at me trying to overwhelm, quench faith and create hopelessness, despair and to doubt myself. I felt paralysed to pray. This …

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18 March, 2023

To rightly divide the word you have to see the whole blueprint of the Lord’s heart on a matter throughout the entire bible not just one instance. To base a doctrine around one scripture without bringing that line of thought from other passages of scripture throughout the bible is …

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26 February, 2023

A sentence I heard go off in my spirit like a thunder from heaven 6 months ago while washing dishes is making more and more sense in this season. I’ve always been one to hate showmanship and showponey stuff, hype and self promoting pretentiousness. Like serious cringe. So when I …

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20 February, 2023

Recently I had a dream and in the dream I was ministering at a really stiff, confined and religious service. As I stepped up to the podium I was asking the Holy Spirit His strategy in this service to bring His agenda and a breakthrough of His presence. As …

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15 January, 2023

The greatest enemy of Israel throughout the ages was never the devil. It was what Hebrews 3 calls an EVIL HEART OF UNBELIEF. It kept a whole generation out of the promised land and kept a large portion of a generation from receiving “THE PROMISE” the messiah. Your greatest …

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29 December, 2022

Hebrews 11:11 tells us that Sarah had faith. This might be contrary to what a lot of people may think or have been taught because she drummed up the dumb idea to have Ishmael and because she laughed when she overheard the Lord telling Abraham at their old age …

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2 December, 2022

Called for such a time as this = you have been positioned in the middle of a crisis for a redemptive purpose. I’ve been hearing Esther 4:14 on repeat for the past few weeks. And this is what I believe God is saying. Esther and Joseph both had something …

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16 November, 2022

Victory Is found In death – This is where He will wipe away all our tears. It’s time to wave the White Flag of Surrender.Victory is found in death. These are the words that resounded in my heart a few years ago that marked me forever. Immediately the “Cross” …

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3 November, 2022

These are the words I heard as I came out of a dream early hours of November 3rd 2022. This dream symbolised restoration and reconciliation. For months I have had anticipation regarding the month of November. I really felt it was going to be a significant month for many. …

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25 September, 2022

As we are approaching this Rosh Hashanah 5783 all I have been seeing in my prophetic mind’s eye or eyes of my heart you might say are butterflies, snakes shedding skin and the old structures dying off, being deserted or being dismantled. All of these pictures symbolizing the ending …

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20 September, 2022

Sitting by my pool this morning having time with the Lord, meditating on his word, asking Him some “pressing questions” needing answers right now, when suddenly a wind from nowhere sprung up. He began to speak to me and said, “just as the wind has come from nowhere, where …

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16 September, 2022

I saw a cave where the prophets were hiding out like in the days of Jezebel. I saw a stone over this cave where they have been sealed inside. The Lord says, there are prophets who have been hiding in France, now God says He is going to break …

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15 September, 2022

We all have one… A HIGH HORSE that is. Definition or meaning : you are talking or behaving in a way that shows that you think you are better than other people or that you know more about something than other people do. An arrogant, unyielding mood or attitude. …

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7 September, 2022

Prophets and apostles are blueprint carriers. Hence why they are noted as the foundation upon which the church is built. Ephesians 2:19-22 clearly explains how this building is something that is continual not a one time thing that finished in the first century with the early church. “So then …

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6 September, 2022

If you follow Your own path you will live by your own strength. If you follow God’s path He will lead you in the way of faith and faith leads you outside of your own strength. Therefore in this space, the heart is confronted with something called TRUST. Those …

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5 September, 2022

When all HOPE in the NATURAL was gone Abraham hoped in Faith. (Romans 4:18) Sometimes there is not one sign in the natural of breakthrough, in fact sometimes what God has spoken looks more impossible than ever or no where remotely close to coming to pass. This is when …

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30 August, 2022

Truly as the knowledge of His love for us is rooted deeply in our hearts and becomes our identity, fear is dislodged and has no home or voice of influence over our lives. Yes the knowledge of His love is DEVELOPED in our hearts hence why Paul prayed over …

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30 August, 2022

The majorities opinion based on a perverse culture does NOT DEFINE YOU, your WORTH or your joy. Jesus Christ in you the Hope of Glory is what defines you. If you are in Him then You are defined by WHO HE IS IN YOU! Don’t allow man’s opinion, or …

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8 August, 2022

When you are at the gates of possession leviathan stirs up mouths of wickedness that spew dishonour by sowing discord among the brethren. It’s sneaky, critical, negative and downright evil.To all those passively standing in the counsel of the ungodly right now and sitting on the way where mockers …

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5 August, 2022

“I have declared from the beginning the former things [which happened in times past to Israel]; they went forth from My mouth and I made them known; then SUDDENLY I did them, and they came to pass [says the Lord].” Isaiah 48:3 AMPC Those promises that have gone forth …

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28 July, 2022

Jealousy and envy is an interesting thing. It has many faces, just like fear does. Sometimes it’s difficult to pinpoint when it is coming against you. It has a way of trying to get in your head, it attacks your identity by causing self doubt, undermines who you are, …

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28 July, 2022

Consider this… even though some of you may say, “it’s elementary dear Watson”, I believe the Lord dropped this in my heart for some of you. As we know prophesy reveals the heart and mind of God (His intent) on a matter. We also know the written word of …

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3 July, 2022

Be sure to weigh words you receive. Divination is “words of prophesy”, “prayer”, or “judgements” that carry an agenda against your assignment. Your assignment is the portion of faith given to you, it’s your download of advanced information. Some words of divination sound good, infact many are filled with …

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22 June, 2022

Recently I had a dream where one breakthrough and miracle was happening for people I knew one after another. From healing and deliverance from cancer, to the healing of spiritual blindness, to what looked like spiritual heart transplants (hearts of stone becoming a hearts of flesh), and it went …

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19 June, 2022

I’m sure many would agree todays world needs to be re educated on honour (church included). It truly is an ancient path of God’s ways. Honouring the prophetic in particular was an area the nation of israel in biblical times struggled to successfully do. They therefore forfeited the prophets …

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12 June, 2022

Early this morning I dreamt of the Lord resurrecting a dead marriage of a couple I don’t know in the natural. It was as if it was as hopeless as Lazarus coming alive after being in the grave 4 days. Resurrection life and power came and restored what had …

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10 June, 2022

The Lord of the Harvest stepped in at our Pentecost service last Sunday and I saw a vision of a host of heaven to assist and aid in the reaping. The angels of reaping have been sent forth carrying the assignments and instructions of heaven to help bring forth …

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26 May, 2022

The enemy is NOT going to have this next generation. God has sent us “before” to take the gates of tomorrow, and even though the devourer seeks to kill, steal and destroy, Jesus is pouring out resurrection life and bringing Lazarus (that which seems hopeless, lost and impossible) back …

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17 May, 2022

In this season of threshold contending that requires positioned and immovable focus, the enemy is seeking to bait you to listen to voices that carry what 2 Corinthians 4:5 speaks of as “arguments of the mind” that are rooted in elevated, lofty, high mindedness. For those who are standing …

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2 May, 2022

The Mute Button, The Roar of the Lion, The River of Fire, A New Birth of an Apostolic People, and Australia the Battle Axe of God. THE MUTE BUTTON ON THE SUPERFICIAL AND THE RELEASE OF THE ROAR There is a shift taking place in this hour of the …

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30 March, 2022

Discerning our season is so important in our development process at Gods pace and walking into the FULLNESS God has for you in wholeness and maturity. Many want to run before their time and are impatient with the Lord’s line upon line approach to developing them. What some fail …

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8 March, 2022

We are truly entering a time of fulfilment. I don’t say that lightly. Yes God is always ready to perform and fulfil His word as we believe and act upon it in faith. For example praying for the sick and seeing them healed, preaching the gospel and seeing the …

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23 February, 2022

Be careful not to mock what you don’t understand or an expression of God in someone else you may think is “flakey”. Prophetic people endure a lot of persecution from those IN THE CHURCH who either aren’t wired that way or are just plain religious. Before you make a …

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13 February, 2022

Today in worship I began to hear war drums in the spirit. As the sound of the war drums were beating I saw a fleet of Viking war boats moving fast and assembling in the ocean. There was the sense this army were super strong and dreadful. I heard …

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5 February, 2022

In times of war we need certain kinds of leaders. Not all leaders are geared for leading through war. Wartime leaders are prepared differently than those who lead in times of peace. They require a different focus, a different heart and a different level of determination and resolve.God is …

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31 January, 2022

You don’t have to have ALL the answers when you are bringing the word of the Lord to a person or into a situation. We prophesy “in part”. I believe that is for a reason. Sometimes that person receiving the prophesy has the understanding of the cryptic message being …

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29 January, 2022

Two nights ago I had an all night dream. Before I launch into the quick, (but all night) dream I will say that I hadn’t been watching the news or hearing updated stories on social media on world news. A week before I had vaguely heard third party through …

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18 January, 2022

The Lord is about to move among His people in new and unconventional ways. He is doing a “New Thing” and ending “old things” (past seasons – namely barren wildernesses and dry desert seasons). As we stand on the cusp of the closing of this season, the Lord’s exhortation …

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5 January, 2022

“life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass …… it’s about learning to dance in the rain”. Author unknown I know this isn’t scripture per say, but for me this has been my journey. I just want to encourage many of you going through tough times, hardships and …

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28 December, 2021

It is imperative that we are reminded in this time to NOT discern by popular opinion but rather discern BY THE SPIRIT. Especially in the prophetic. Just because a prophetic word has traction on social media and is going viral DOES NOT mean it is from GOD. Likewise, just …

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9 December, 2021

I heard the Lord say “In this hour step into the “Centurion” kind of Faith. Forget the systems and battles and ways of getting victory of the old season. It was all to prepare you for MIRACLES simply “at My Word”, in a moment, in an instant. Dare to …

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6 December, 2021

Embrace the new, don’t be intimidated by it. God is unlocking the mysteries of heaven in this hour so we in this generation are able to to rise to a new place of governance in our spheres of influence and heavenly mandates and assignments.If your identity is attached to …

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19 November, 2021

When mammon is your God: you view money as an answer to solve all problems- social, mental, emotional, physical. When mammon is your God: you believe all people are not equal. When mammon is your God: you fear for tomorrow. When mammon is your God: your lenses are fixed …

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13 November, 2021

“Then Mordecai told them to return this answer to Esther, Do not flatter yourself that you shall escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but you …

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11 November, 2021

“Whatever that is not from the source of faith (God telling you, personally or through his word) is sin.” Romans 14:23 This scripture has been just sitting on my heart for the past two years so strong. I can’t get away from it and feel it is so imperative …

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29 September, 2021

Last week in a time of intercession for my nation Australia the Lord began to speak to my heart. Firstly; He spoke Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain.” …

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26 July, 2021

I see many posts lately with people saddened by the apparent escalation of “division” in the church or amongst Christians. Could it be that that which has been below the surface has just been exposed through storms and turbulent seasons? Tests really bring out the true nature and state …

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20 July, 2021

You’d have to be blind Freddy to not realise that in the “free” world our religious freedoms are under assault. Some Christians are asleep to this or maybe they are just in denial because the evidence of such doesn’t match with their eschatological or prophetic doctrine. Unfortunately, because of …

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9 July, 2021

We are in an hour where God is going deep into the hearts of his people, revealing, separating, and realigning to a deeper level than ever before where their source of value, worth, motivation and fulfilment lie. A SEASON OF COMING OUT OF DENIAL He is bringing his people, …

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19 April, 2021

“He stands there In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭10:19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from troubles” Proverbs‬ ‭21:23‬ ‭AMPC‬ Zipping it can be an act of spiritual warfare. The devil …

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13 April, 2021

Psalm 12:1-4 “HELP, Lord! For principled and godly people are here no more; faithfulness and the faithful vanish from among the sons of men. To his neighbor each one speaks words without use or worth or truth; with flattering lips and double heart [deceitfully] they speak. May the Lord …

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11 April, 2021

Colossians 2:10 You are COMPLETE in Him, which is the head of all principality and power The word “complete” here means to be full, filled up, lacking in nothing. This is a very foundational concept in Christianity but I find most Christians struggle to comprehend this. If you are …

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22 March, 2021

For those who desire intimacy with the lord and to truly be a friend of God, herin lies the “secret”: “The secret [of the sweet, satisfying companionship] of the Lord have they who fear (revere and worship) Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them …

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12 January, 2021

Romans 4:18 “When all hope in the natural was gone Abraham hoped in faith”. Faith is not faith when you can see “pathways” of fulfillment. Faith is unseen. Hebrews 11:1 says it’s evidence of that which has not been revealed to your natural senses. Hebrews 11:11 “Because of faith …

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9 January, 2021

Hebrews 11:29 says; “By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land, whereas the Egyptians, attempting to do so, were drowned.” ‭ This scripture says it was on the account of “faith” the Israelites crossed over on dry ground. It was faith that led Moses out …

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7 January, 2021

The battle wages so strong in the realm of the spirit in this hour. Today I had some devestating news that has shaken me emotionally and spiritually. In these times despair and confusion can set in, the opposite manifesting in the natural to that which God has promised or …

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28 December, 2020

In the midst of the pain in the midst of the unrelenting sobs, in the midst of the confusion, anger and grief, the choice to trust the Lord, releases a power that activates a grace that can carry you through any dark night, uncertain or unexpected storm. Trust unleashes …

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22 December, 2020

There comes a time when you will be faced with choosing what is right over what is comfortable. Bowing to the fear of man may seem comfortable at the time but will become your prison and carries a great price. The problem with comfort seekers rather than truth seekers …

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9 December, 2020

If you seek truth you will find it. Truth can be uncomfortable, it can shake your status quo, it can challenge and shake your comfort zones to the core. It can deal with and expose fear that has harboured in your life, it can challenge pride and ego. When …

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4 December, 2020

On the path of faith you will always meet the temptation to go the safe route or the less “stretching” less “uncomfortable” less “challenging”. There is also the temptation to take the “popular” “well travelled” path. The path that makes “more sense”, and holds your reputation in tact. Walking …

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15 November, 2020

There is a battle waging for truth and justice. This battle is acting as a birth canal for those who have chosen to engage. This battle is necessary, for the promotion that is about to come upon many in these coming days. This promotion is another level of kingdom …

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10 November, 2020

Sunday 8th of November in worship I saw a vision of a turtle on its back. It made me think of the hare and tortoise race. Where the hare had a fast start and looked like he was going to win and the turtle was lagging behind. I knew …

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8 November, 2020

Only Joshuas and Calebs will pass through. God speaks forth His word in advance so that we know how to fight in the battle. It’s not for the purpose to retreat. 1 Timothy 1:18-19 “This charge and admonition I commit in trust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance …

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5 November, 2020

Just getting reminded of a conversation I had with a friend the other day, she was hearing from God that the Lord hardened pharaoh’s heart so he could deliver justice. I felt God remind me of this now. In prayer this morning I heard the Lord is “luring” the …

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23 October, 2020

Recently while praying into a situation for the Lord’s righteous justice to be released I saw a deck of cards. I saw the enemy had “stacked the deck”. I immediately had the picture of my youngest daughter, who, as a result of losing on most occasions to her older …

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4 October, 2020

As the spirit of Elijah is moving throughout this nation, breathing restoration over the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers, the Lord’s winnowing fork is in His hand thoroughly cleaning His threshing floor in order to gather the wheat into His barn. …

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30 September, 2020

I believe the Lord wants to encourage many of you who have been faithful to assignments and seasons where you have felt like a round pole in a square hole. The days of the square hole are now numbered and on notice and in this season many are now …

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15 September, 2020

THE RED BOXING GLOVES RELEASED – THE CHAMPION ANOINTING OF VICTORY. In a time of intercession for the United States on September 11, 2020, the Lord took me into an encounter. I saw a pair of brand new red boxing gloves being released over the nation. I heard the …

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31 August, 2020

The Spirit of Elijah that “restores” all things and “makes ready” a people for the Lord by changing rough, crooked, mountainess and valley heart landscapes; is ultimately in this hour moving upon the hearts of Fathers. Luke 1:17 AMPC mentions the turning of the fathers heart to the children …

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21 August, 2020

While praying for a friend this morning who is in a tough battle experiencing opposing circumstances to promised faith, I heard the Lord say “IN SPITE OF”. As I shared this my friend I felt the Lord say share this as an encouragement to my Beloved as many are …

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14 August, 2020

A religious spirit will accuse sons of the kingdom who know who they are in Christ as being Prideful. I’m sure Paul would have looked arrogant to many church folk of today. Orphans play political games of reputation building and keeping, because they see the praises of man as …

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10 August, 2020

Recently in a time of prophetic worship I went into an encounter with the Lord that evolved like the story of a movie revealing a prophetic timeline I believe that is playing out now. Scene one: CHRIST WALKING AMONGST THE LAMPSTANDS (this is where I believe the Body of …

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26 June, 2020

WHY ARE YOU SEARCHING FOR THE LIVING AMONG THE DEAD? CALL THIS GENERATION AWAKE! Were the words I heard as I was waking from a dream where I was waiting and waiting for the return and reunion of a living loved one, who was surrounded by people that I …

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15 June, 2020

When you abandon yourself to loving Him through obedience unto death, fearing not what man can do to you, is only when you can truly love like He loves. Your earthly love will not suffice, it will not endure and will not prevail. His love is found in death …

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10 June, 2020

What I find very interesting is the way people use the scripture “For we know in part and prophesy in part” 1 Corinthians 13:9 as an excuse to devalue or undermine the different parts prophets are seeing and speaking into, because they themselves don’t see it or carry that …

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3 June, 2020

You know, I learn so much from parenting and watching my children. My youngest three who are still at home are all very strong in will and personality. Let’s say there is our fair share of sibling rivalry in our home. Why so much competition between them? I try …

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23 May, 2020

Last night in a time of intercession the word of the Lord came to me in a vision. I saw a gigantic torch rise up from the earth and begin to shine throughout the earth. The Lord said to me, “In this hour I am searching the hearts of …

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12 May, 2020

SOMEONE NEEDS TO HEAR THIS, this picture hit me very clear as I had time with the Lord today. Don’t lend your thoughts nor entertain the notion that a competitive Judas will delay or hinder your promotion or positioning for one minute in all God has for you. The …

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11 May, 2020

Recently in a time of intercession, the Lord showed me the increased draw and attention the psychics, and diviner’s were attracting due to the uncertainty of the times. In a generation lacking any sort of certain compass, times of fear and upheaval, hardship and trial can bring forth a …

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1 May, 2020

Where does it say in scripture that New Testament prophesy is void of prediction, bad news, correction and warnings of things to come? Where does it say New Testament prophets no longer warn God’s people of their sin and call his people to repentance? Where does it say that …

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23 April, 2020

Don’t fall into the temptation to PROVE yourself. The devil would try to tempt you in the same way He did Jesus. Two of the three temptations the devil approached Jesus with were inciting him to PROVE himself. Matthew 4:3 “IF YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD then turn …

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18 April, 2020

Wow and sigh!! since lockdown has closed churches and Facebook is now the platform for more and more opinions, discussions, “prophesies”, judgements and corrections, I have never been so grieved and shocked at the level of disunity, bun fighting, sectarianism, factions ,judgement, lack of respect and honour in the …

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12 April, 2020

As we came into the month of March, I kept hearing the word DELIVERANCE. I felt like the Lord said, “get ready because I am about to move in this season in such mighty deliverance. Long standing strongholds will be broken in a moment. Cords of captivity, physical, mental …

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9 April, 2020

At the beginning of 2020 I felt the Lord say this year was going to be the beginning of the return of the prodigals. Coming into this Passover 2020 we have been hearing through the prophets of its great significance, especially with what we are walking through right now …

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6 April, 2020

As this is a time of DIVINE RESET in the body of Christ where the Lord is bringing alignment in His people’s hearts and minds for the season ahead, so the enemy is at work with the same strategy to bring his reset in the world we live in. …

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26 March, 2020

This morning I had a dream where I was receiving instructions on a clipboard from the Lord what was the next point to alert the saints to pray for in this time. The word I heard was loud and clear, it was the word SUICIDE. Then I woke up. …

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15 March, 2020

Recently I’ve had numerous dreams regarding President Trump and two of these dreams were a significant urgent call to prayer for both the president and His wife Melania. In one of the dreams I was a secret agent who was an advocate for the president. Secret agents in dreams …

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15 March, 2020

I feel the birth pangs of the Kingdom. We will now see the earth groan with consecutive contractions and travail one upon another like in the last stages of giving birth where there is no break or rest between contractions. These contractions and shakings of earthly kingdoms and nations, …

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13 March, 2020

A WARNING TO THOSE SITTING ON THE FENCE Early January 2020 I had a dream that a young girl was playing on a fence. I began to speak to her as I pointed my finger. I could hear no sound or words while I was doing this, but my …

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1 March, 2020

Last night I had a dream and in the dream people everywhere were receiving vaccines for the coronavirus. There was this old man and his son. They looked exactly the same. One older and one younger. It was as if they had had the disease and recovered sovereignly without …

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22 February, 2020

Do you know anyone lately who prayed for a deaf and dumb person, seen them miraculously healed, and commanded them not to tell anyone? (Mark 7) This will be the mark of the third day church, a people who need no applause and recognition for doing what they see …

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5 February, 2020

RESTITUTION!!! This is the word that has been booming in my ears these past months. Definition : “the restoration of something lost or stolen to its original owner”, “recompense for injury or loss”, “restoring something back to its original state!” So we SAY, “let the original intent in the …

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28 January, 2020

Matthew 5:37 If you say yes to something or someone, then do it with your whole heart with a good attitude and without resentment. A yes done with resentment, under obligation, or sending a guilt trip to the person you have said yes to, isn’t really a yes. It’s …

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20 January, 2020

I heard the Lord say so clearly to me, Anita, try exchanging all the time and energy you waste on worrying with PRAYING. Just try it. So I challenge you (and myself) in 2020 to REFUSE to give time to worry, and.., instead… as soon as your mind goes …

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13 January, 2020

In this season the Lord has been speaking to me regarding His faithfulness to us, and how important it is for our hearts to be positioned in trusting His faithfulness in order to see the promises of God fulfilled in our lives. As we know the Lords promises to …

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31 December, 2019

For the last month or two, a reoccurring vision keeps coming before be. It is an image of the Son of God’s feet in gigantic scale coming to earth, landing with such dominion, power and might, causing a shaking like that of atomic proportions. Within these last months and …

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23 December, 2019

For the Lord says, I’m setting my people free that they may worship me. To give glory to me by the testimony of my provision and my greatness. To give glory to me by being the head and not the tail. To establish my covenant in the earth and …

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6 December, 2019

Some months ago, I had a dream where a very well respected world renown General in the Prophetic said in a booming voice, “It’s time for the leaders to get off the stage!” Then I woke up. Now I knew the Lord used this very well known, very respected …

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2 December, 2019

This is a long word – but if you want strategy in these pivotal times of possessing I encourage you to read, these words just may hold keys for you. This past month of November has been an intense month of intentional intercession partnering with the word of the …

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16 November, 2019

Two years ago I had an encounter with the Lord regarding the fire and the rain. In winter we love to sit around our little fire pit. I am a country girl at heart and the smell of fire is probably one of my favourite smells. In context of …

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5 November, 2019

ITS TIME! It’s time for visions and mandates to be birthed, it’s time for dreams to be realised! ITS APPOINTED TIME TIME! The Lord spoke to me and said “though you think it tarry, wait!” In other words, it’s not tarrying, your vision your dream has an appointed time! …

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29 October, 2019

This word does not only serve to be a word for the body of Christ in the USA, but rather a parallel prophetic analogy of what the Lord is doing throughout the earth in His people. I do believe however that this content is a direct word also for …

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26 October, 2019

Favour has been the word that has been resounding in my heart as we have crossed over in to this Jewish new year of 5780. On Rosh Hashana while I was staying in Moravian Falls, the Lord gave me a dream and in the dream I was given a …

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4 October, 2019

As we landed in the Carolinas on Rosh Hashana 5780 the Lord said to me that this is the day of new beginnings for this region. A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED FOR THE HUMBLE While we were at Moravian falls over Rosh Hashana the Lord took me into an …

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22 September, 2019

JUDAH IS HAVING HEARING ISSUES. Recently I had a dream that a person called “Judah” was going deaf. I began to cry and say nooooo!! He can’t go deaf it will effect his destiny! He is called to music, his destiny entails sound”. I was so distraught in the …

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19 September, 2019

Last night I had a dream for some in the body of Christ I felt the Lord urge me to share to encourage in this time. In the dream it was evident that people were waiting for things the Lord had promised them and they had been waiting for …

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5 September, 2019

This is a Abraham, Isaac and Jacob move. God has kept you Abraham and Isaac for such a time as this. Don’t be discouraged, don’t feel forgotten or like you have missed it, no for your time is coming now. Oh yes… it’s a multigenerational move the Lord wants …

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15 July, 2019

I recently had a vision of a tennis match being played. For those of you who know the rules of tennis, the game had been played for 5 sets and it was a very long game that had gone on for a long time. The game was up to …

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19 May, 2019

As Australia stood and watched the election results pour in on the night of the 18/5/19, we stood and beheld what was truly a historical moment. Some have called it the greatest “come from behind political victory in our nation’s young history”. A believer, Scott Morison, by the miraculous …

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13 February, 2019

While praying regarding the unprecedented assault upon the lives of the unborn I was taken into a vision of New York. I saw it was night time in New York, yes it’s a dark time. The decree of death sentences to a generation likened to that of Haman in …

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24 January, 2019

There are many interpretations or definitions I’ve heard over the years of the word “REVIVAL”. Let me put it simply! REVIVAL IS BEING DEAD TO THE WORLD AND ALIVE TO GOD! Now this can take on many outward expressions…however one thing I must say is that repentance is always …

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6 January, 2019

Last Sunday at our church service in worship, the Lord gave me a prophetic word through song I would love to share and encourage you with. I saw a hen sitting on her eggs and there were like half a dozen … and the eggs represented promises, and the …

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31 December, 2018

JOY is the word that kept rolling over in my spirit every time I would look forward into 2019 these last couple of months. I was surprised at first, as I guess this reaction revealed my heart was expecting to hear something different from the Lord. Maybe a “stronger” …

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16 December, 2018

I encourage you to read! It came so strong on my spirit this morning! Here it goes…. Humility is key in positioning yourself when delivering prophesy or words of encouragement. I’ve encountered many people who want to prophesy over me or give me a word and when I give …

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14 December, 2018

Yeshua was born in a humble place, even though He was the highest of royalty He made His entrance to earth in a low place. And so,…. He continues His tradition. Look not to be comforted by the “inn crowd” to accommodate the birth of your promise!! The “inn” …

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15 November, 2018

The weight of heaven and the anointing of favour is upon the message you have been given to steward, carry and release. Be authentic, you don’t need to be a copy cat. I’ve seen and heard messages released that are direct from the throne room and the weight of …

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28 September, 2018

It’s time for Australia and New Zealand to ride again.. I’ve been seeing the word YES everywhere, and as I said in a previous post ( the answer is yes) I believe the Lord is saying we are entering a season of all his promises are yes and Amen. …

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7 September, 2018

THE LORD IS GIVING HIS PEOPLE THE SWORD OF FAVOUR AND VENGEANCE Isaiah 34:8 “For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense, for the cause of Zion” 9/9/18 Interesting numbers that this Rosh Hashanah falls on. It is the year of 5779 and we see …

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26 July, 2018

The Joy I experienced when releasing this word was unlike anything I have ever experienced when delivering a word. Be blessed as you hear the voice of the Father towards you in this time. THE SEASON OF YES! Saints we are in the YES season! Everywhere these past few …

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12 July, 2018

Last night I had a very short but profound dream. I dreamt I was watching Mel Gibson act in a Hollywood movie on a large Movie screen. Although I cannot remember the script of what he was saying I do remember He was speaking in an Australian accent. In …

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9 July, 2018

What was your original vision? The Lord says, “DOUBLE IT” !! We are in the season of the double! I had a dream regarding this a while ago and in the dream I was receiving two blessings. One was a natural material blessing and the other was a spiritual …

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14 May, 2018

She has no fear for the future for Her children are doubly clothed with scarlet. Proverbs 31:21 & Proverbs 31:25 A prayer that erupted from my heart this morning, in which I felt a prophetic utterance on that I would like to share and encourage Mothers who are in …

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12 May, 2018

Absolutely!!! 100%. This picture below says so much in one sentence… We may be subject to circumstances and other people’s wrong choices in life… welcome to the land called fallen earth… but will that dictate the ultimate result in our lives? How long are we Christian’s (Christ loving companions) …

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15 April, 2018

Today I would love to bring forth a loving reminder to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, especially those who have a ministry platform. Especially even, to those who have eyes to see and may even hold a “prophetic” OR “apostolic” anointing, or office. Oh the responsibility that …

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1 April, 2018

Whaaat???? Yep you heard me right, decrease is the formula for increase. We all want and desire to go to new levels, know the Lord more, experience Him in greater ways, see His power flow in greater measures… see Him use us in greater ways for His Glory. We …

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15 March, 2018

A DECREE OF FIRE TO BURN UP, BEFORE THE SPIRIT BREAKS OUT Anita Alexander A FIRE TO BURN UP YOUR ENEMIES! A Fire goes before Him, and burns up His enemies round about. (Psalm 97:3) HIS enemies are YOUR enemies. On Sunday as I was driving to our church …

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1 March, 2018

 After days in an internal wrestle in my spirit, and after pressing in to the Lord, seeking Him for answers of what was going on, Suddenly I heard the voice of the Lord boom in my spirit as I was doing my dishes and I believe it was …

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15 February, 2018

I sense tension in the spirit realm right now where movement, advancement and ground taking is happening for Gods people, but there is an aggravation from the enemy as he seeks to provoke the saints into fights and battles where they would settle for natural weapons. Don’t take the …

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1 February, 2018

The Lord has marked you. He has not marked you for religion but marked you as His Son and Daughter to be led by His Spirit. And even though many of you have tried to play the game of church politics, church popularity clubs and so on to fit …

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15 January, 2018

Recently I had a dream where the Lord was showing me what is about to come upon the body of Christ in this season. THE BREAKTHROUGH OF TOUGH GROUND THROUGH BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS In the first scene of the dream, I was talking to a woman about how …

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20 December, 2017

As we stand on the threshold of another New Year we can be tempted to make all these NY resolutions to see change in our lives we so desire to see. May I suggest to you it is not ANOTHER NY resolution we need but maybe …. just simply …

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15 December, 2017

I hear a question from the Lord to His people resounding in the spirit, “Who are you running after?”. THE COMPASS OF THE LORD I sense the Lord is releasing His compass over the hearts of His people in this season. Firstly, to reveal to them the alignment of …

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1 December, 2017

I don’t know about you but humility would have to rank pretty close to being my number 1 favourite virtue. The beauty that radiates when true humility is demonstrated carries a supernatural power that can turn tides, turn hearts, and attract favour with God and man that simply cannot …

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1 October, 2017

UNSTOP THE WELLS OF POSSIBILITY AND ENTER THE BREAKTHROUGH ZONE! In this hour the Lord is bringing an alignment to the hearts of His people to enter into the IMPOSSIBLE BECOMING POSSIBLE ZONE!. I’m seeing God’s peoples’ hearts likened to wells and the waters are wanting to bubble up, …

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15 September, 2017

TRANSITION I see we as a people prepared of the Lord, are moving into a TIME, SEASON AND MOMENT of Harvest and Breakthrough and the enemy has come at this time knocking at the door with one last attempt to deceive many into aborting their mission before they give …

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15 August, 2017

(Psalm 23:4) Anita Alexander Many may be walking through the Valley of the shadow of death right now. Many may be sensing death all around them, you may even smell death but the Lord wants to encourage you that you are walking “through”. Death is not the end result …

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15 July, 2017

I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU – THE SILENT GENERATION WHO I AM GIVING A VOICE TO LEAD THE CHARGE! Anita Alexander I felt the Lord say to me, I want you to tell those of the Generation X that I have not forgotten them and I am not finished …

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1 July, 2017

In a vision I saw the Lord dressed in the finest red velvet dinner jacket all set to wine and dine His bride. Wine and Dine always speaks to a connotation of Revival, in the sense of the New Wine of His presence coupled with feasting in fresh revelation …

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1 May, 2017

THE PROPHETIC / EVANGELISTIC ALIGNMENT I see a wave building even now of a move of God that is carrying and thrusting forth in this hour Harvesters who carry and have been endowed with the Spirit of Elijah. I see an amalgamation of mantles for the harvest that is …

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21 April, 2017

Last night I had a dream where the Lord was sending His word into the ears of those who have felt forgotten, those who have felt overlooked, those who seem to be in a place of feeling washed up and finished with. Those that feel like they are too …

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14 April, 2017

For there is a new song resounding throughout the Land. It’s a song of the Father to the lost and the prodigals. It’s a song that is calling and drawing His beloved home. It’s a song to the one who has strayed, to the one who has lost their …

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6 April, 2017

A CALL OUT INTO THE DEEP, TO THOSE BORN FOR THE DEEP~ COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, DIVE DEEPER AND BE CATAPULTED HIGHER ~ INTO DESTINY! In a time of Worship I saw Jesus stand up from the throne, beginning to call out. It was “TIME”. It was a …

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1 April, 2017

On awaking in the early hours of the morning today the Lord spoke to me to release this word via written text. Although some of this content is in the last video post of “Divine Turnaround of Explosive Breakthrough”, the Lord’s voice boomed in my ears in the early …

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14 March, 2017

Today in a time of intercession, I went into an encounter of travail. In this encounter it was winter time and I saw the devil was having fun on a sled laughing and joyfully thinking that he had won against Gods people. He was drunk with his own satisfaction …

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14 February, 2017

A DIVINE TURNAROUND is where a situation is heading in a certain direction with a predicted outcome and that situation is suddenly intervened by a divine supernatural force that causes the outcome to be the opposite. This is the season of the Divine Turnaround. The Lord is laying the …

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1 February, 2017

THE RELEASE OF THE FIRE BRANDS OF THE LORD ~ HIS MESSENGERS OF FIRE! This last week I have been hearing the line going over and over in my spirit. For NOW I AM RELEASING MY PROPHETS OF FIRE! Prophets of fire that are like fire brands in the …

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10 January, 2017

Today I had the phrase going over and over in my spirit. “The rising of the wrecking ball reformers”. I feel the Lord is saying : As Trump has been a wrecking ball to the corrupt systems and structures in US politics and government in this hour, so the …

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1 January, 2017

As we are on the threshold of another New Year I really felt to release a word I have been carrying regarding the new wineskin the Lord is bringing forth. We are truly in a new season of the emergence of the new wine skin. Get ready for the …

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14 August, 2016

THE EMERGING MOUTHPIECES : RESTORE, RENEW, REDEEM, RECONCILE!!! Upon waking this morning, coming out of sleep, I saw a company of mouthpieces emerging out from obscurity like the dawn revealing what has been hidden in the night. Each one was carrying a message , individually assigned and individually expressed. …

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14 July, 2016

In a time of Worship and intercession I was taken into TWO visions. FIRST VISION : I saw a big double door. I saw many knocking on this door. I knew this represented the Lord’s people in prayer knocking for breakthrough, knocking for answers, knocking for the door to …

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14 June, 2016

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep I heard the Lord say he desires to break the yoke of perfection. I saw some struggling under this yoke that presents and disguises itself as “good and right”. However the root of it is performance and the fruit it …

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14 May, 2016

An unedited Prophetic song in worship Saturday 9th April 2016 at Golden City Church on The Gold Coast ~ by Anita Alexander I can hear the rumblings, the rumblings in the heavens, the rumblings in the clouds. I see a storm cloud and its rumbling. It’s a cloud …

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14 April, 2016

Isaiah 43:19 “Behold I am doing a New thing, will you not perceive it, and will you not recognise it and will you not give heed to it? For I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” *THIS SEASON GOD IS GIVING NEW RHEMA …

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14 March, 2016

A NEW SEASON ~ A SEASON OF BIRTHING, FULFILLMENT, REJOICING AND THE BLOOMING OF LOVE AND ROMANCE! Anita Alexander Wow what a season of birthing, breakthrough and release we are in!!! The song that keeps repeating itself in my head is ” This is what you do” from Bethel …

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1 February, 2016

After the Lord revealed to me that this now was the season to possess and inherit the “double portion”, I asked him one morning in my prayer time, “How Lord do I possess and inherit the double portion promised?”  His response was immediate.  He said;  “You possess by declaring”.  …

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1 January, 2016

Over the past 13 years God has been periodically speaking to me about the double portion.  It’s been the last 5 years where it has been in a more concentrated fashion.  Taking me through the story of Elijah and Elisha (of which I will share at a later date) …

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