Just getting reminded of a conversation I had with a friend the other day, she was hearing from God that the Lord hardened pharaoh’s heart so he could deliver justice. I felt God remind me of this now. In prayer this morning I heard the Lord is “luring” the enemy into the sea so He can crush the head of leviathan and spew him on the shore and feed him to the wild beasts. Justice is about to be served! The Israelites thought pharaoh was going to overcome them, but God had a song of victory He was about to put in their mouth. Victory God’s way looks different. The Israelites may have thought it was over when they left Egypt. And to see Pharaoh and his chariots pursue them may have looked like defeat. But God had a greater plan to utterly destroy them and that it would be known among the nations of the earth that indeed He caused the victory. The fear of the Lord fell in the nations of the earth as a result of this type of victory. This will be a victory by the hand of the Lord, that all will say “only God”. He himself will overturn the chariots of the enemy that pursue the mandate of freedom. Be encouraged AMERICA the song of victory will resound throughout your land from the lips of the righteous, the horse and rider will be thrown into the sea. God Himself Is Serving Justice!
Fight the fight of faith, wage war on the prophetic words spoken by the prophets- God said “ two terms”. All His promises are yes and amen. Don’t give up, don’t concede in the spirit, be strong and of good courage because the Lord will cause you to take the Land of that which He has promised you.
The glory of this victory belongs to the Lord. And so He will do it in a way that is unconventional and outside of man’s ability. When we are weak His strength is on display for all to see!
Keep pushing, keep standing, keep declaring, keep praying, do not leave your post. Let the Benjamin anointing the Lord has poured out upon you for war in the spirit rise within you and may you tear the enemy to pieces.
God Bless America!