The Way Of An Overcomer – Being Forged Under His Mighty Hand

When you are committed to “humbling yourself under his mighty hand” (1 Peter 5:6) seeking the things “the heathen seek” (Matthew 6:32) and gratifying the flesh becomes so futile, empty and unfulfilling.
Even though the process and position “under his mighty hand” can be more challenging, and not for the faint of heart, it is where you find that His Grace is truly sufficient for you (2 Cor 12:9). It is here you not only discover it’s sufficient, you realise living in His grace is the only thing that affords you true joy and peace. Being where He is not, is not an option.
“Under his hand” can at times look like the valley of the shadow of death, it can also look like being beside still waters, while also walking a path of righteousness (doing things “his way”), that doesn’t make sense nor seem rational to the carnal mind. It can appear to onlookers as though you aren’t any where near His hand little alone “under” it, but that’s the beauty of being “under”, you are hidden. You have and are learning “not by might, nor by power, but by His spirit”. You are learning that this path of doing things His way (righteousness) is truly only for HIS NAME’S sake (Psalm 23).
While under His mighty hand you get to learn how to trust and not fear in the shadow of death, here you get to know Him as your comforter while also learning how to overcome in war by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony. It is here, while “under His hand” you learn not to love your life even unto death ( Rev 12:11).
Under His mighty hand you learn that dwelling in His presence, (which David called “the house of the Lord” psalm 23:6) is what it looks like to be truely wealthy while living on this earth.
Then…… “due time” comes. His resurrection power flows upon the vessel that has become one with the grace that is sufficient while “under the mighty hand”.
These vessels who have walked “under” His hand are ones who have “endured the day of his coming” and allowed the refiners fire to purify and distil, and the fuller’s soap to scrub and clean (Malachi 3:2). They are ones who have remained “under” the hand of God and chosen not to run ahead but rather wait for His exalting in this “due time”.
This “exalting” as Peter refers to it, is not what man deems as exaltation, but it is a promotion to rule and reign and to be trusted with His Glory. As the fear of the Lord has been learnt “under His hand”, this “due time” takes on the day where the Sun of righteousness arises with healing in his wings as the lawless and the wicked are ashes under the soles of your feet! (Malachi 4:2-3).
This “exalting” may cause you to be seen and known by men, or not, and those who truly have been “under His mighty hand” know to sometimes rule effectively in your jurisdiction to remain unknown and hidden is paramount. Those who DONT “know” the “under His hand place” can’t comprehend this, as the ways of God are only learnt “under His hand”.
To seek to gain anything in His kingdom, it is only truly found “under His hand”.
“Under His hand” is not a two week thing, or a feel good moment in a gathering where we promise God everything but then do it our own way when the process is challenging to the flesh. It is putting your hand to the plow and never looking back (Luke 9:62).
I encourage you beloved, humble yourself under God’s mighty hand, and He will exalt you in due time. Do it God’s way and by God’s grace, and He will fulfill the desires of your heart. But more importantly than that, learn of Him. Learn the grace that is sufficient by being “under His hand”, because being where He isn’t, isn’t an option for those who are to overcome.
Much love,
Anita Alexander