Beware Of The Counterfeit Reset

As this is a time of DIVINE RESET in the body of Christ where the Lord is bringing alignment in His people’s hearts and minds for the season ahead, so the enemy is at work with the same strategy to bring his reset in the world we live in.

The Divine “reset” looks like Isaiah 43:18-19 “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

In the DIVINE RESET he is birthing a NEW THING. A NEW WAY of doing things. I believe the Lord has shown me this reset He is bringing in His body, is to cause His people to go to another level of government authority in power and demonstration of the kingdom. This reset is to bring about an alignment of the posture of His people’s heart to be in agreement with His word. As a consequence of the heart and mind being in alignment with God’s word, actions and behaviour will also align. This is meaning, that we will truly represent Him well on this earth.

Reset means to bring things back to original working condition or bring something back to original design. In other words, who we are in the mind of the father.

But so as the Lord is doing this throughout the earth, so the enemy as always, is paralleling the workings of God’s spirit through a counterfeit expression. The devil’s original intent is to separate us from our original design, and cause us to be fear driven.

This demonic reset would seek to sprout a narrative to mould the worlds thinking into a fear and paranoid posture, to yield to a “new way” of living, making us afraid of each other which hinders the love to flow. We must resist this tide, and seek to embrace more than ever. He would seek to have the world look “NEW” and let me tell you it is not a good “new”.

Love is the tidal wave that is rising in these days and it will sweep the lost into the arms of the Father. The enemy would seek to hinder and divide that in any way he can. FEAR is the opposite to Love and if He can reset humanity into a “new way” of living, so that we are afraid of everything and everybody then He can shut down the love flow.


If we are to have victory over fear, we must come back to understanding HIS LOVE FOR US FIRST. And in understanding His love for us, we understand that His thoughts toward us are always good and not evil (Jeramiah 29:11). Fear and Love cannot co-exist. So if we are freaking out and in a panic, then we have FORGOTTEN we are loved and when we forget we are loved, we can’t love well.
We become self-centred and self-protective, our mind is on our self. But in love our mind is on others.

In this divine reset we are coming to an even greater understanding than ever before that WE ARE LOVED.
And so as His people align with heavens agenda to sweep the earth with a wave of LOVE, this LOVE will surely cast and drive out the enemy’s agenda of fear. Let the tide of LOVE over-come the fear agenda of the enemy, come back to original intent, allow your heart to be reset in the knowledge YOU ARE LOVED. Allow this PERFECT love, this love that is free from agenda, free from control, free from strings, free from conditions, free from fear, drive out fear and see His beloved love the lost as He did and lay their lives down for the purpose of the gospel to meet with those who are in darkness.

Don’t be deceived by the counterfeit reset. Don’t reset into the enemy’s original intent to cause you to be a slave to fear. You have been bought with a price, you have been created for such a time as this, it is time to KNOW WE ARE LOVED and LOVE WELL. Dive into the knowledge of HIS love for you and allow your heart to be reset in His divine original intent, blueprint and purpose for your life.