This is the time of the Turning of Tables


Upon waking this morning, coming out of sleep, I saw a company of mouthpieces emerging out from obscurity like the dawn revealing what has been hidden in the night. Each one was carrying a message , individually assigned and individually expressed. However even though each message was unique in content and expression, they carried the same sound and they proclaimed the same cry. Restore, renew, redeem, reconcile! The Spirit of Elijah rested upon each one, turning the hearts of the Fathers to the children and the children to the Fathers.

This is the hour of the turning of the tables! This is the hour of restoration, renewal, redemption and reconciliation. For this is the hour where God is making all things new… By His Spirit. The is the hour of redeeming that which has been lost stolen or forgotten. I’m hearing it again…. THIS IS A TIME OF THE TURNING OF THE TABLES!