Keys to unlocking the mysteries ~ It’s time for the Greater Glory

In a time of Worship and intercession I was taken into TWO visions.

FIRST VISION : I saw a big double door. I saw many knocking on this door. I knew this represented the Lord’s people in prayer knocking for breakthrough, knocking for answers, knocking for the door to be opened to what they have been contending for.

I then saw different keys being given by the Lord, different keys that would unlock these different doors. I heard in the spirit, “THE KEYS TO UNLOCK THE MYSTERIES”.

I felt an element of surprise come from those knocking as there was some expectation that God was just going to open the door. But in actual fact the Lord said I am going to give you a key which is a mystery unlocked and YOU are going to open the door.

Mysteries of heaven needed to be unlocked in order for alignment, breakthrough, answer and fulfilment to come in regards to the opening of these doors.

A Mystery simply means a TRUTH that is hidden or concealed. There are heavenly answers and truths for us that are keys to unlock those doors we are knocking on.

Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. When God begins to unlock the heavenly purposes for things on earth, (hidden truths) then earth begins to align with heaven. And when earth aligns with heaven, heaven comes in that situation.

There are many mysteries surrounding us…. Not just situations that we need prayer answered or breakthrough, but there are many Mysteries of Heaven planted on earth ready to be unlocked to align with heaven and create a porthole and a GREATER RELEASE OF THE GLORY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ON EARTH.

Destinies are mysteries ready to be revealed. Destinies in our children, in our families, in our neighbours, in our colleagues, in our clients, in our congregations, our churches, our Cities, our Nations, are mysteries to be unlocked, and as they are unlocked they are aligned with heaven and create a porthole for Heaven to invade Earth.

The lost/unsaved are mysteries ready to be unlocked and for their destiny and heavenly expression to come forth so the heavenly purposes that have been planted in them from the foundation of the earth can be revealed and displayed and released on this earth. The harvest is ripe!!!

ASK AND RECEIVE – Prayer position
According to this vision I feel in this time, instead of presenting our prayers in a way of saying Lord just fix this situation etc etc. We need to ask Him, “what are the mysteries surrounding me that my eyes aren’t seeing”. “Thank you Lord for unlocking the mysteries that I need to see for a greater alignment of heaven in my life, for a greater Glory to manifest through my life”.

God is giving us new keys in this season. New strategies, new expressions, a renewed love for him and for each other.


The Lord then began to show me how He desires to move by His Spirit corporately and the GREATER GLORY HE DESIRES TO POUR OUT ON EARTH and how He wants to “SHOW HIMSELF STRONG” and “DISPLAY HIS WONDERS” like never before in these days to come.


JOHN 4 :23-24
“A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshippers. God is Spirit and those who worship Him MUST worship Him in Spirit and in truth.”

I went into a vision of corporate worship and saw collectively together, one heart, one mind the saints worshipping in the spirit. By that specifically I mean worshipping the Father in their “heavenly language”. As the corporate worship shifted from a natural language to the heavenly language a “pulling” began to happen. A “pulling on Heaven” and a vertical porthole was created and as the worship in tongues went up I saw the Mysteries of Heaven coming down. The unlocking of mysteries needed for that particular gathering. The mysteries for each individual gathered in that particular place in that particular moment were being imparted. As each person worshipped in their heavenly language they were unlocking their own hearts and were entering into a liberty they had not known before. It truly was SPIRIT TO SPIRIT communion and an unhindered flow as the worship went up, the mysteries came down. Answers, revelations, encounters, miracles of all kinds, were taking place as the worship in the spirit created an atmosphere of intimacy, freedom and victory. As the Mysteries were being released it truly was like tapping into heaven and bringing it on earth. Heaven was coming down and truly was invading earth.


I saw how limited natural worship was (even though it does access a realm of Glory), But that alone is not going to suffice in these days to come. When we worship in our heavenly language it is spirit to Spirit, because God is Spirit and as John 4 says He requires us to worship Him spirit to Spirit. Our own efforts and striving, our own professionalism is not going to access and unlock the realms of Heaven needed for DEMONSTRATION of the KINGDOM far surpassing anything the earth has yet seen.

The realms of Glory and Heaven the Lord wants to release in these days require a greater level of access of the mysteries of heaven so His Kingdom can be COME in a greater dimension than ever before.

There is a greater Glory to be unlocked and unleashed on earth and as we worship Him in our prayer closets, in one accord in our meetings, gatherings and services in the Spirit (our heavenly language), we are going to see Heaven explode in our midst, and the shift we are so desiring and contending for is going to break open!