Sometimes Breakthrough Lies In The Heart. The Lord Is Positioning The Remnant For Their “Born For” Season.

We are in an hour where God is going deep into the hearts of his people, revealing, separating, and realigning to a deeper level than ever before where their source of value, worth, motivation and fulfilment lie.
He is bringing his people, yes the remnant (those who see themselves already separate and consecrated unto him) out of denial. The Lord is dealing greatly with His remnant in this season. Yes a greater level of “much required” than ever before.
Because in a lot of ways the remnant’s sense of passion and pursuit of the pure representation of the kingdom has been more heightened than the majority, and because this pursuit has cost them a high price, they have failed and fallen short many times to recognise the fake and impure foundations in their own hearts.
Evidence of competition, rivalry and pride within the remnant of which these very things they stand, point the finger, and preach against, are being purified in this hour. The Lord is bringing his beloved out of denial, healing, restoring and bringing comfort to all those afflicted sore areas of which a lack of identity has produced.
For so long the remnant have been refined and purified by the persecution’s and rejections of a “counter flow” system that despises intimacy and promotes performance. But in many ways a “self righteousness” has developed within the heart of some as a result of bitterness from offence not dealt with.
Therefore in order to process pain, rejection and persecution unbeknowingly many have hardened their hearts against their accusers and have allowed “leaven” to creep in. For even a little “leaven” spoils the lump (Gal 5:9). Yes leaven is pride, which begins to breed a mindset that one is superior to their accusers or those who have contemptuously rejected them and treated them as worthless. This mindset has been used to bring false comfort and has not been built on the foundation of wisdom laid out in the scriptures of Gods way of responding to persecution and rejection. That is; loving your enemies, praying for those who use you, blessing those who persecute you only to name a couple of examples (Matt 5:44-48, Luke 6:27-31).
God sees the pain of injustice and the rejection many have endured, but what some have failed to realise is that what man sees as rejection God sees as protection. He has been separating you from being defined by a system and paradigm that is not kingdom. Is the separating painful? Yes! Is it lonely? Yes! But it is so you can flow in your “born for” season. You were born to change the world by bringing kingdom on earth, not empower a corruptible system by being defined by it.
The problem is since birth we have been taught to measure ourselves against mans opinions of us, according to how the world measures success and by what we do.
By what ruler are we measuring our life against? This question is paramount in this season and the answer even more consequential.
To measure success and seek identity, worth, and our value apart from God is to fall into the futility and vanity of a life defined by the corrupted, carnal, fallen world that is ever decaying. So if the world is decaying and our source and identity in such, wouldn’t that explain a soul that feels as though they are being eaten away at and misery being their definement?
If we continually pursue alignment, and measure our identity (value and worth) alongside a system that functions separate from Gods values, we will perpetually live in a state of internal frustration, anxiety and mental and emotions anguish. These internal states reflect a foundation built on the corruptible.
Those who will impact and effect the world in a way of eternal value cannot be defined or affirmed by its inferior morals, ideals, wisdom, judgements, paradigms or conclusions.
Do not think for one minute I am only speaking of measuring ourselves against “the world” void of Christ, I am also speaking of measuring ourselves against a church system and culture that operates according to the systems of man and worldly operations. Many Christians could easily realise that measuring themselves, finding their worth in worldly ideals or receiving affirmation from worldly people is inferior. But what many don’t realise is that they are still measuring their identity against paradigms and ideologies that a majority of the church system function from, that is signed with worldly blueprints, and hence promotes concepts of reality that are lies and deceptions opposite from kingdom standards.
The church in recent centuries, (increasingly the end of the last century and the past decades up until present), have defined success in notoriety, fame, influence, financial prosperity, material accumulation or professionalism.
This gross misrepresentation of kingdom reality has brought forth a generation of orphans who seek to strive continuously under a false yoke, breeding despair, depression, greater anxiety, competition and rivalry than ever before.
If our sense of security, happiness or worth are affirmed by people’s responses to us, positive or negative, we are seeking identity in the corruptible world and are still in pursuit of the unreal and fake.
Position, title, calling, earthly success, gifts or skills is not how God and the culture of his kingdom values and measures success. But rather how a life is lived in passionate pursuit Godward.
This and this alone is how we are measured. Not by our own efforts, accomplishments, skills and accumulations. But how well we pour out our lives in passionate pursuit of Him.
I would like to remind you, to “know Him” is the high calling Paul exhorted us to pursue. In the knowing of Him, we understand true realities and in turn are transformed into the image of Christ that is able to superimpose incorruptible over corruptible.
The pursuit of His kingdom does not create anxiety, depression and stress, competition and rivalry, but rather righteousness, peace and joy (Romans 14:17).
The bible says we will know things by their fruit. A good tree does not bare bad fruit and visa versa (Matt7:16-18). So the fruit we are baring in our lives marks and reveals the root of our pursuit.
The pursuit of the fake, unreal and vain affirmation from the incorruptible world and its systems and paradigms whether present in the church or in the world, will produce anxiety, depression, despair, stress, competition and rivalry among other things.
Please hear me, I am not saying the pursuit of the kingdom will see you living a life without trial or persecution. In many cases it is the opposite, as His beloved pushes against the torrents and tides of death, decay and corruption, to bring forth the kingdom that lies within them. But if the pursuit is purely kingdom, there ALWAYS can be peace and joy when we grasp and understand we are not defined by what comes against us (1 Cor 10:13, John 16:33, John 14:27).
God in His furious fiery love is in pursuit of these entanglements that have suffocated His beloved’s heart. He is coming as the warrior avenger and cutting loose His remnant from the final residue of the fake deposits of lies lingering in their hearts and minds.
This could look like a pruning, a demotion even, but in actual fact, the Lord is just realigning and redefining in your heart how you measure success, value and worth.
Our mission cannot be compromised by lingering leaven or seeking identity in the corruptible. This is essential as the remnant move forward into the uncertain days ahead to be a guiding bright light like Joesph in an ever increasing dark world that lies in famine of the truth.
Your best days are upon you, you are about to step into your “born for” moment.