Jesus Loves The World Enough To Deal With His House!

Wow and sigh!! since lockdown has closed churches and Facebook is now the platform for more and more opinions, discussions, “prophesies”, judgements and corrections, I have never been so grieved and shocked at the level of disunity, bun fighting, sectarianism, factions ,judgement, lack of respect and honour in the behaviour in the body of Christ toward each other and mostly these are leaders!!! Man and I thought Trumps run and election for president exposed the ugly in the church, geesh this corona fiasco is even giving trumpie a run for his money as a body of Christ fault line exposer! Wow shaking really does expose! The Lord said to me it would, but far out, the ugly is coming out!

NEWS FLASH! Sense and reason leadership is over! Fear led and political game playing leadership is also over. Clickety click click click is over!!! False Humility false unity leadership is over! It may have appeared to have worked in the past seasons but it’s not going to work moving forward.
And it’s not even that it’s not going to work, the Lord is dismantling this rubbish with His own hands.

Let it be known a NEW ORDER of church leadership is arising in the earth. It is One who doesn’t have time for bun fighting and squabbling and game playing and finger pointing, blame shedding and platform building, reputation protecting and system saving, sects, facts and theological, eschatological arguments. This government is not childish and carnal in nature as the Apostle Paul describes such behaviour, But it is a government that is SPIRIT LED, matured in the fires of intimacy.

Get ready, Jesus LOVES THE WORLD ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH HIS HOUSE. There is a wave of purifying fire coming to the church that is going to purge the church on a level that will bring her to her knees. This fire will have her be acquainted with the key to governmental functioning that she has not yet understood, ITS NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD. Zechariah 4:6.

The page is turning, a new chapter is beginning, are you on the right page is the question.