Swat Team Commandos – The Release of the Special Forces


I see a wave building even now of a move of God that is carrying and thrusting forth in this hour Harvesters who carry and have been endowed with the Spirit of Elijah. I see an amalgamation of mantles for the harvest that is before us in this season. The marrying of the Prophet and Evangelist.

The Lord is adding to the prophets and evangelists in this hour. For those who stand in the Evangelistic office I see a stronger prophetic thrust coming forth, a stronger prophetic angle and expression of release. And for many Prophets in this hour I see a strong evangelistic heart being birthed and the passion for souls adding and consuming their mandate.


A month ago an angel came to me in a dream and prophesied over me “Double portion Favour in Evangelism”. Now I know my office is that of a prophet. So for me that word seemed quite interesting and different. But the Lord began to show me He is releasing in this time and hour a Double portion mantle of the prophetic married with the evangelistic anointing. There is a harvest of prodigals, and there is a harvest of the lost that are ripe for the picking in this season. For as the time of birth is destined by the Lord so the time for being born again of the Spirit is destined of the Lord.

The Lord is sending His labourers into the harvest field to retrieve those who are marked for harvest in this season.

There are seeds of prayers that have been sown over these ones that have reached full maturity in ripeness.


A couple of weeks ago I saw the Lord releasing mantles of camel’s hair upon many who are being sent and commissioned in this season. This mantle was worn by Elijah and John the Baptist and is a symbol of reconciliation and restoration- turning the hearts of the Fathers to the children and the children to the Fathers. For even as John the Baptist went in the Spirit and Power of Elijah and was a voice to cause a return of the lost sheep of Israel, so that same mantle of the Spirit of Elijah is being released forth in a DOUBLE PORTION measure in this hour that will infiltrate the WORLD and the CHURCH and see a great return of the lost and the prodigal back to the heart of the Father.


Matthew 9:37-8 (Amp version)
“He said to His disciples, the harvest is indeed plentiful but the labourers are few. So Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to force out and thrust labourers into His harvest”.

When we take a look at this scripture more closely we see here the Lord is not just asking us to pray that He sends forth labourers into the harvest field. But to pray that He “forces and thrusts” them out into His Harvest field. Another explanation of the root meaning to “sending forth” according to Strong’s Concordance it is to thrust out by violent force or to lead someone forth with a force which he cannot resist!!!!!!!

Have you ever thought of that when praying for labourers in the harvest field. Have you ever thought to pray that the Lord thrusts them forth with a violent force of which it is hard to resist? That to me shows the level of intention and power of which the Labourers are to operate in the Harvest field. Harvesting in the kingdom is not a tip toe through the tulip type ministry, it is one that is sent and thrust force by the violent action of heaven. The heavens suffer violence and the violent take it by force. This violent action of heaven that places these labourers in His harvest field also acts as a fuel and power source which flows through them as they harvest.


Many of you are those labourers that the Lord is about to violently thrust forth into your position in the Harvest field.

When you are sent into the Harvest field, know you are sent with the violent backing of heaven.


These harvesters are a new breed. As the two anointing’s of the prophet and evangelist work together these ones will carry a sickle in one hand and the sword of the word of the Lord in the other. With the sword they will break loose the chains of darkness and with the sickle they will gather them into the storehouse

These vessels carry breakthrough to a generation held captive to the lies of darkness. It’s the word of the Lord that acts like a hammer breaking into pieces the most stubborn resistance, and it’s the word of the Lord like Fire that consumes all that cannot stand the test ( Jeramiah 23:29). This coupled with the miraculous power of God will cause even the most hardest of hearts to be set free from demonic bondages and strongholds, causing them to see and be awakened to the truth. ( See Luke 1:17 Amplified Version )

I see the storm clouds of the Lord, the thundering and lightening’s of God going with and backing these labourers, these harvesting vessels of the Lord. For where the Prophetic mantle meets with the Evangelistic power, the kingdom of darkness that are holding these ones doesn’t stand a chance.


In this last season I see these harvesting vessels have been trained like swat team commandos receiving new instructions in the strategy room for the coming mission. They have been prepped and made ready, equipped and heavily armed filled with the wisdom and strategy of the Lord.

Fearless and resolved, with courage and boldness, motivated by the Fathers intense love for a lost generation, they are being released like an army of ants, as precisely timed missiles, into the seven mountains.

They will conquer and plunder the underground ops of darkness, loosing captives of those that are bound by the stronghold of lies and aiding in the dismantling of the principalities that have seated themselves over each of these mountains.


There is a harvest that is ripe not only in the world but also in the church. I have seen for many years there will be a move like that of John the Baptist where there will be multitudes being baptised in the river of repentance. Let’s remember that the move of God that was upon John the Baptist was a move in the House of Israel. It was a move for the “church” so to speak it wasn’t focused on the gentile – (the lost).


Revelation 2:4
“But I have this one charge to make against you: that you have left (abandoned) your first love”.

When I began to see the wave and move of God that is building and about to release the Prophetic Evangelists in this hour and violently thrust them into the harvest field, I knew that part of this encapsulated a move of repentance that would flood the people of God like a tsunami drawing them back to their first love.

Cloaked with the Camel’s hair mantle, the spirit of Elijah these ones carry and release the river of repentance, calling a distracted, disillusioned, doubly focused, luke warm people back to having a heart raging with the fire of love for their KING.

Like the Galatians, who strayed from doing their deeds in the Spirit, many in the beautiful body of Christ have fallen into the trap of performance, man pleasing, and have bent the knee under the pressure and lure of an Anti-Christ Spirit whose mandate is to mix and contaminate the alter of worship with the ways of the world. In-turn, resulting with a powerless people absent from the demonstration and reverence of the presence and power of God.

As the Lord releases this new breed of swat team commando prophetic evangelists, we will see many Sunday Christians running down to the Jordan shouting “what must I do to be truly saved”? Some of those will be pastors and leaders who have been strangled by a system that doesn’t promote a Christ centred, Spirit led agenda. For where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. There will truly be a returning of many back to the right alter, and back to the presence of God. Many will forsake works for intimacy with the Lord and their own agenda for Heaven’s agenda. Many will find what they are crying out for as these movers and shakers of heaven, decree and dismantle, with boldness and courage, the structures of the demonic influences in the church.


A week ago at our weekly service in Children’s church, the theme was baptism. We were teaching the children the symbolic meaning and biblical truth of baptism. In this class as a craft activity we gave the children each a dove, (symbolising the Holy Spirit who descended upon Jesus after His baptism). They were to decorate or colour it however they wished to. Normally they would just colour in their pictures, but on this occasion the Spirit of the Lord came upon each child and they began to prophetically colour patterns on each dove. All the children did this right down to the youngest of 3 years of age. These children weren’t copying each other. As I went around the class I began to see that each pattern represented a country. There were patterns that looked like Australian indigenous art, there was one that looked like New Zealand, South Africa, Asia, Korea, South Americas, India etc. The notable thing on each of their doves was that there was a river flowing through each one. Whether they meant to do it or not, it appeared. The Lord then showed me what they were prophesying. Because we were doing baptism, the children were decreeing through their coloured patterned doves that there will be a move of the Holy Spirit of repentance upon the nations of the Earth and the Spirit of Elijah that was upon John the Baptist will draw the nations heart back to God.


I feel like the Lord is putting a call out to those believing for their loved ones and who have been believing for the day of their salvation to switch their focus in prayer in this hour. I see we are on a threshold of breakthrough and fulfilment and for the saints now to turn their prayers toward the labourers.

For the Lord says to pray for the Labourers. (Matt 9:38). Pray for the vessels He is sending into the fields in this hour. Pray for them to be protected and the way to be made for them. Pray for those who are called to be harvesters and who aren’t yet positioned to be aligned and to hear the call of the Mighty Captain of the Hosts.

I once heard a preacher say, “The Lord never said to pray for the harvest, but to pray for the labourers.” The harvest is ripe but the labourers are few.

Lift up your voice for the Labourers, and partner with heavens agenda as we stand on the cusp of a mighty breakthrough of harvest this generation has yet to experience.

Pray that the Lord would “thrust” forth and position the labourers into His field as the Harvest is white for reaping!