Give / Donate

Give / Donate

The Ripple Effect

Ripple Effect Definition: “A spreading effect or series of consequences caused by a single action or event.”

We want to encourage you today that as you give into Revival Flame Ministries, whether it be large or small, it is likened to a stone being launched into the water that creates a ripple effect which has momentous and significant effect, influence and impact.  This impact, influence and effect goes beyond the initial action of sowing the seed.  As you sow your seed it carries purpose and influence in partnering with the Vision and Commission of Revival Flame Ministries in expanding and furthering the Kingdom of Heaven on this earth for His Glory.   Your seed touches lives that you may never meet.  Your seed enables us to continue to impact, effect and transform lives through the power of God as we continue to do the “work of the ministry”.   From healings to deliverances to salvations and discipleship, your seed is physically touching those ones being transformed by His unending LOVE.

The beautiful thing about giving into the Kingdom of God is that the ripple effect impacts the giver not just the receivers.  The ripple effect of giving is credited to your heavenly bank account where moth and rust or thief cannot come in and steal and inturn have all your needs supplied according to His riches in Heaven.

Phillipians 4:15-19, Matthew 6:19-20

May you be blessed abundantly and beyond measure as you give into Revival Flame Ministries

Many Blessings,

Dr Sasha and Anita Alexander



Details to give to Revival Flame Ministries:

To Give by Bank Deposit:

Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Revival Flame Ministries
BSB: 034-216
Account Number: 129298


Golden City Church members are able to give your tithes & offerings below:

To Give by Bank Deposit:

Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Golden City Church
BSB: 034-216
Account Number: 493209
