Word for Australia

Last night I had a very short but profound dream. I dreamt I was watching Mel Gibson act in a Hollywood movie on a large Movie screen. Although I cannot remember the script of what he was saying I do remember He was speaking in an Australian accent. In the dream I thought this strange, because even though Mel Gibson originally comes from Australia, when acting in Hollywood movies, he always acts with an American accent.

When I awoke I heard :

“Australia is about to be seen on the Big Screen”.

I knew Mel Gibson not only represented Australia (as he was talking in an Australian accent), but as he was the creator of the very powerful movie that impacted the 4 corners of the earth “the Passion of Christ” I felt the Lord say Australia will be on the world stage for their “Passion FOR Christ”.

As Hollywood has the ability to touch the nations of the earth through entertainment, The Fire of God that is about to fall on Australia will awaken such a raging “PASSION FOR CHRIST” in God’s people, it will touch the nations of the earth!

All eyes will see the Glory of the Lord that Will be poured out upon Australia in these coming days.

Get ready AUSTRALIA!!!