Come Home, Come Home My Beloved Come Home

For there is a new song resounding throughout the Land. It’s a song of the Father to the lost and the prodigals. It’s a song that is calling and drawing His beloved home. It’s a song to the one who has strayed, to the one who has lost their way. It’s a song to those who are yet to know Him, it’s a song to those who are called to follow Him. The Father is singing out throughout the land, far and wide. His song is going out and reaching the unreachable, touching the untouchable and calling them home. His song is going out and filling the ears of the seeker, and turning the heart of the wilfully obstinate and unpersuadable to the heart of their loving Father. (Luke 1:17) This song of the Father that is being released right now, is drawing His beloved Home. (John6:44) The song of the Father is drawing multitudes upon multitudes down to the river Jordan eager to leave behind the old and enter into sonship where they cry Abba Father.

Tears of joy in His eyes, Robe, Ring and Sandles in His hand, He stands on the porch anticipating the reunion. For now, He says: “it’s time, it’s time for them to come home, it’s time for them to come home to where they belong”. And so now He sings, “Come Home, Come Home, My Beloved Come Home, Come Home, to where you belong”.


This mighty home coming will see a revival of rejoicing amongst the saints that hasn’t been present in decades. For God’s people will join with heaven in the grand celebration of souls restored to the kingdom (Luke 15). Joy will return for souls amongst God’s people rather than for earthly things. Singing and dancing will go on into the night as the Father delights in the return of His long lost Sons and Daughters.


I sense the Lord is saying to those who are believing Him for the return of loved ones and those that are unsaved to be brought into the Kingdom, for you to join with Him in His song. Join with Him in this time and know He is delighting in bringing them home. Join with Heavens agenda right now, for the return of the prodigal and the lost. Let your hearts be encouraged and your spirits lifted up, for YOUR LOVED ONES ARE COMING HOME! Sing over their lives the DIVINE HOME COMING! Know that “He is giving them a heart to know HIM, that He is the Lord; and they will be His people, and He will be their God, for they will return to the Lord with their whole heart” ( Jeremiah 24:7)