About Kingdom Academy


Kingdom Academy, located on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, is a practical ministry training school designed to educate in the deeper things of the realm of the Sprit, how to move in the gifts and flow in the anointings of the Holy Spirit. It is an intensive ministry training school that is geared to activate, launch and release people into their unique God given callings and destiny as demonstrators of the Kingdom here on this earth.

Our commissioning from the Lord is to mobilise the church, raise up, activate and release sons and daughters of God into their God given purpose or destiny. Whether this is a people called to five fold ministry, lay ministry or the various seven mountains of society and influence, everyone has destiny of the Lord. The Lords commissioning to us is to, “mobilise my people, equip and train them as labourers in the harvest field”. Everyone has a different harvest field, and our aim for you is that you are equipped knowing how to access heavens best and walk in your inheritance.

We desire for our students to grow and develop in maturity to be mature representations of the gospel in power and word. The goal for our students is for them to not only grow in understanding of the supernatural, but to grow in maturity of character reflecting the nature of Christ and develop a deeper understanding of son ship through the finished work of the cross. These go hand in hand. Teaching the supernatural is not balanced without properly understanding identity. So we are very focused on bringing a balanced teaching of Word and Spirit.

The school is geared more towards a practical approach in training where students learn how to divide the word of God through preaching, learning how to prophesy, flow in the gifts and discern the anointing of the Lord, however rich teaching in revelation is delivered to the students by our various lecturers in order to equip the students to practically walk out a life in the supernatural lifestyle.



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