Word for Australia

Many have accused Australia of being spiritually immature and backwards. Although in some ways looking in from the outside this may seem true I beg to put forward a different narrative. I see a nation kept by the hand of God in what looks like being held back to being protected of needing to go […]


Discernment is knowing something to “be” from what is not “seen” with the natural eye. So many times prophets question their discernment because they are taught not to be suspicious, critical and judgemental. Discernment is none of those things, it’s “knowing” and “seeing” behind the veil of what is presented to the “natural” senses. Just […]

Love Rules In A Life Lost

Love rules in a life that has been “lost”. Love will bring forth fruits of bravery, selflessness, honour, loyalty, honesty, faithfulness, humility and kindness. This kind of love in action demonstrates a gospel of hope to the world and unveils the mystery of Christ that cannot be accessed by the toiling and sweat of one’s […]

Do You Know Your Groan?

Blueprints are interesting. The idea of unity even more interesting. And the groan of heaven undeniable! Here’s a thought, just because some are not “feelin it” or “resonating” with what others are trying to build, pioneer, forerun, or establish, doesn’t mean they are not in unity. It doesn’t necessarily conclude they are “prideful, jealous, insecure or judgemental” […]

The Way Of An Overcomer – Being Forged Under His Mighty Hand

When you are committed to “humbling yourself under his mighty hand” (1 Peter 5:6) seeking the things “the heathen seek” (Matthew 6:32) and gratifying the flesh becomes so futile, empty and unfulfilling. Even though the process and position “under his mighty hand” can be more challenging, and not for the faint of heart, it is […]

Bearers Of Negative Reports: Do A Fruit Check.

Sitting on my verandah this arvo and Holy Spirit spoke to me as I was looking at a social media feed. I saw a post from a person I have met once but do not know. I know “of” them but do not “know” them. In the post it was an update of the goodness […]

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